
David E Jones wrote:

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Also when used this would be more susceptible to stale information as the only easy mechanism for refreshing these is a time limit. We would probably want to make it possible to specify the cache name to cache the screen in, or I guess we could just have some convention (but it would result in long cache names to have the location and screen name put together to make it unique). With this and the caching infrastructure in OFBiz we could have size (number of elements) limits, timeouts, soft references, etc to help manage the caches.

I'd like to use a complex/specialized key (a custom class with a Comparator) composed by:
* screen name and screen location
* (a subset of) input parameters map (input context)

Then I'd like to implement some utils method that allow to clear all the cache entries associated to a given screen name and screen location.

This is interesting... but wouldn't it be more flexible and easier to implement if we had one cache per screen (just like we do with entities)? I don't think we'll ever have so many screens cached (ie into the hundreds) that this will become unwieldy, and if it does happen then we can enhance the cache management screens in webtools to better handle this.

Are you saying that we should maintain *one* cache for each screen name/location and associated to it a set of input context/output pairs?
For example, considering the productDetail screen:
the cache would be associated to:


and associated to this cache will have many pairs, one for each different input context:

productDetailUri?productId=WG-1000 (key) --> html detail screen for WG-1000
productDetailUri?productId=WG-1111 (key) --> html detail screen for WG-1111

It would be fine for me: I still need to study how the OFBiz cache classes are organized, so I am probably missing your point, sorry.

If we did something like this my vote would be on caching the entire output of the screen. If someone wanted to speed up the data preparation chances are the most effective way to do it would be to use the entity engine caches to help with database round trip delays and such, which often takes up BY FAR the majority of the data preparation time.

That is a good point.
One doubt I have, if we cache html output, is how to handle links with session id information in them (for example when cookies are disabled)... this would make the cache useless.

Ouch, that's a good one...

Actually, in order for this to work the cached screen couldn't have anything request or session specific in it. This is a trick because the request and session objects will typically be in the context and may be used in the rendering of the screen. We'd probably have to remove those from the copy of the context that is used for the unique identifier creation.

Yes, we will have to remove some stuff (or just ignore it in the custom Comparator), for example the nowTimestamp, etc... But the decision will be difficult for some variables: for example, should we ignore the userLogin object? If we consider it then the screen cache will be only useful for anonymous users; if we ignore it then we could miss important information (prices specific for a customer etc...)

That could get a little messy. For this particular issue we can probably make sure the jsessionid is never added, though that may cause problems transitioning from/to HTTP to/from HTTPS in some browsers.

Yeah, that's a rough one... no really good solution is hitting me for that. What is hitting me is that we're likely to run into other things like that... :(

That is exactly what is worring me...



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