Jacopo Cappellato wrote:


That's why I suggested caching the widgets themselves. If the discussion is about a site that is getting a million hits per day, then caching the widgets should offer some level of improvement.

Reading and parsing the widget xml file might seem to go fast, but the reality is that every page request requires an xml file read, element parsing, converting parsed elements into a collection of java classes, and some validation. With a hypothetical million-hit-per-day site, all of those steps are repeated millions of times per day. Why not do those steps once, and then cache the result?


aren't widget definitions already cached?


I don't know for sure. I see on the console log things like this:

2007-07-17 16:39:03,015 (http- [ ScreenFactory.java:118:INFO ] Got 28 screens in 0.094s from: file:/C:/ofbiz/applications/workeffort/widget/WorkEffortScreens.xml

It appears to me the screens are being read from a file.

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