On second thought, since this is running in JavaScript, we can assume the browser will default to the user's locale. The trick will be to figure out how to render the calendar correctly in the user's locale. Some locales have their week start on Monday, some locales have 13 months in a year, etc.

Adrian Crum wrote:

There are more locale issues than just the date format string. Different locales use different calendars. It would be best to find a way to pass a properly constructed Calendar object.


Daniel Martínez wrote:


As a pre for correct implementation of locale date formats I am looking
forward to make a new javascript calendar. I have been testing dojo 0.9
and it has a nice widget (DateTextbox) for selecting dates, It is nice
and fast ;) and it supports different locale formats. It should be
extended however to:

- Accept time input.
- "Forget" about dojo locales (based upon CLDR, which I like but that's
another story) and allow a date format string as parameter.

These requirement should not be very difficult (I believe as I am a
newbie to dojo and javascript in general). However, being the calendar
one of the most visual parts of ofbiz I would like to see comments about
this approach.

Daniel Martínez

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