There are more locale issues than just the date format string. Different locales use different calendars. It would be best to find a way to pass a properly constructed Calendar object.


Daniel Martínez wrote:

As a pre for correct implementation of locale date formats I am looking
forward to make a new javascript calendar. I have been testing dojo 0.9
and it has a nice widget (DateTextbox) for selecting dates, It is nice
and fast ;) and it supports different locale formats. It should be
extended however to:

- Accept time input.
- "Forget" about dojo locales (based upon CLDR, which I like but that's
another story) and allow a date format string as parameter.

These requirement should not be very difficult (I believe as I am a
newbie to dojo and javascript in general). However, being the calendar
one of the most visual parts of ofbiz I would like to see comments about
this approach.

Daniel Martínez

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