I have worked little bit in Dojo and then was forced into using Prototypejs. I found Prototype lot easy to use. It just makes Javascript a usable Javascript (In my opinion).

There are few libraries that build on top of Prototype for providing widgets. We have used them and found really easy. I have a new Checkout Process for ecommerce implemented using Prototype/Validation.js/scriptaculous. I share it soon.

My vote is for Prototype.js.

Anil Patel

Al Byers wrote:
Where did we leave the javascript toolkit debate? Googling does not show any
clear cut direction.

I have a question about Prototype. Does it have layout widgets like Dojo
(eg. TabContainer, SplitContainer, AccordianContainer)? I don't see them in
the API for Prototype.

I think we need to make a choice primarily because it will be possible to
integrate a toolkit with the screen widget technology and it won't be
practical to do more than one. Right now I feel comfortable with Dojo as the
primary js toolkit, but that could be because I am not familiar with others.
I like the strong layout widgets that Dojo has and it seems to have
everything else, too, and I don't think that is a bad thing. I am able to do
a file upload within Dojo and get a JSON response and I think that is an
important consideration. I have read that Dojo is more Java, workman like
and Prototype is more Ruby and elegant. If that is the case, I would opt for

If nothing else, it might be useful to use this thread to measure where the
community's interest lies. So respond with nothing more than a vote if you
care to.


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