I've recently got some feedback from different people interested in evaluating OFBiz, plus other interesting comments in these lists (problems downloading by svn when the bandwidth is poor)... it seems that many of they had problems to find an easy way to download OFBiz.

I think that we should provide an easy way to download (by ftp) a compressed archive to the ones that are just interested in evaluating the product.

Of course, as soon as the version 4.0 will be officially released, they will have a file to download; however I don't think that the release 4.0 will be the right version to consider for an evaluation... the trunk is the best option and we should encourage people to see it in action.

A simple solution is this: create a weekly or, better (as suggested by Jacques), monthly svn snapshot (svn export), then compress it and publish it somewhere in a very visible area of the main page of the website; we could also provide a link to the "main new features of the month" (e.g. http://docs.ofbiz.org/x/-Qs).

What do you think?


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