Hi Skip,


In my view, this is kinda the hard way of doing things.

Easy way:

billing account amount = SUM(unpaid invoice amounts)
billing account available balance = billing acount limit - (billing account
amount + uninvoiced orders)

Because customer returns and credits also generate an invoice, this all

Simple as long as you can determine which invoices are unpaid.  Of course,
If you are gonna do a proper customer billing statement, you have to know
this anyway.

I have no idea why you guys feel the need to cling to this
OrderPaymentPreferences entity for computing billing accounts.


Please, when fixing this, also consider the following situations:

a) if you select, during order entry, an offline payment, then in the order detail screen you can receive the payment (also a partial payment) even if there are no invoices for the order: the system creates a Payment record with no PaymentApplications (the Payment is associated to the OrderPaymentPreference)

b) an order, associated to a billing account could be only partially invoiced (partially shipped order)

c) handle payment in advance: the customer fills the billing account with a payment, and then consume that amount to pay orders


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