Hi Swapnil,

you can achieve this by just putting something like:

<@renderSubContentCache subContentId="${yourContentId!}"/>

in your template file for the corresponding screen and edit the content like you proposed.

This solution does not support the fallback mechanism you proposed but does not require any code changes.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 11.08.17 um 08:01 schrieb Swapnil Mane:
Hello Devs,

While looking into the support of email templates for Product Store, we
found it is managed by screens.

Like for Order Completion

emailType="PRDS_ODR_COMPLETE" fromAddress="ofbizt...@example.com"
productStoreId="9000" subject="OFBiz Demo - Your Order Is Complete

Here you can see, we are having dependency on screens (i.e. templates
defined in file system)
Due to this, the user is unable to edit the email template on the fly.

We can enhance this mechanism by making the template as content driven.
Here is the design plan,

We can extend the ProductStoreEmailSetting entity by contentId field.
While rendering email based on its type, if the contentId is present, this
content will render, else system will look for bodyScreenLocation (our
existing implementation)

Using this we can leverage the CMS capability of the OFBiz.
Right now if end user (client) wants to make any change in the email
template, it required the changes in the file.
If we manage this by content, the user can edit this on the fly with the
help of CMS.

All the inputs and suggestions are welcome!

- Best Regards,
Swapnil M Mane

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