Hello Swapnil, in line

Le 14/08/2017 à 04:35, Swapnil Mane a écrit :
Thank you Nicolas for your inputs and interest. I highly appreciate it.

Based on my understanding, please see my comments inline and let me know if
you have further inputs.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>

Hello Swapnil,

In past I tried to refactoring email interface with the idea to :
* deprecate current ProductStoreEmailSetting to link it to
TemplateEmailSetting. The purpose is to centralize all email configuration
in this entity

We may have multiple product store and can have different email templates
for them, ProductStoreEmailSetting will allow us to do that.
My fault, I'm not clear. ProductStoreEmailSetting and EmailTemplateSetting are redundancy, I'm in favor to keep all email template information in EmailTemplateSetting and use ProductStoreEmailTemplate to link a email template to a productStore throw a purpose. So we can deprecate all email template fields in ProductStoreEmailSetting to centralize all this part in EmailTemplateSetting
* link TemplateEmailSetting with Content through
TemplateEmailSettingContent and TemplateEmailSettingContentType. This
offert the possibilty to link header, body, footer or some more complex
case like link documents, pdf invoice, order, etc ...

Having content model with us, the customizable header, footer
(decoratorContentId at content level) and other complex case can be handled
easily with content model.
Completely, except for attached file. I agree for rendering the email content, but if you want link the file to your email its more easier to indicate it on EmailTemplateSetting.

An example, when you send a order confirmation, you want attach to this email the the legal notice. We would be link directly the contentId where is the legal notice and an other content for the email body.
* review all send email function to manage the content rendering
Yes, during the proposed implementation, we were planning to do this as

But the time has been missed :(
If you are motivate, we can try to revive this idea ?

I would love to hear more about your idea, will it be possible for you to
share more information about this.
The issue where I started https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4333


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