Hi Pranay,

this is a great initiative and I'm looking forward to it!

Big +1



Am 19.08.17 um 06:24 schrieb Pranay Pandey:
Hello Devs,

This is something where I wanted to request your suggestions. I am planning
to rename and restructure the documentation on OFBiz Wiki page- Business
Process Stories and Use Cases Library

The idea will still be the same i.e. to help OFBiz Evaluators. All the
people who are more interested in written content to prove the
implementation. Provide a robust process documentation that supports
decision-makers to choose OFBiz over any other proprietary software. To
help them take this content to a wider audience who take the decision for
choosing a business automation software.

I am planning to rename this page to: "*OFBiz Business Process Reference
Then review and overhaul the overall content on this page to clarify the
purpose of all the documents in this tree(Directory).

Now restructure the child pages with new names with business significance
i.e. the process names that industry people refer e.g. CRM, Product
Information Management(PIM), Procurement, Fulfilment etc.

Now every module page will have two child pages so the structure would be
changed like this-

- Catalog Management
-- Product Information Management (PIM)
--- PIM Process Overview (Content: Process Overview, Business Purpose,
Level-1,2, and 3 Activity Diagrams as applicable to demonstrate the process
--- PIM User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases (Content: Review, refine and
add missing user stories, use cases, and test cases)
-- Merchandising
--- Merchandising Process Overview (Content: Process Overview, Business
Purpose, Level-1,2, and 3 Activity Diagrams as applicable to demonstrate
the process flow)
--- Merchandising User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases
-- Store Management
--- Store Management Process Overview
--- Store Management User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases

I am planning to create a JIRA ticket with these details and would like to
start from there with sub tasks. This way we'll be able to collaborate in
this effort.

How does that all sound to you? Please let me know your thoughts, feedback,
and improvement suggestions for the mentioned effort.

Kind regards,
Pranay Pandey

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