
Great idea, Pranay!

Kind Regards
Ashish Vijaywargiya
HotWax Systems - est. 1997 <http://www.hotwaxsystems.com/>

On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Pranay Pandey <pranay.pandey@hotwaxsystems.
com> wrote:

> Hello Devs,
> This is something where I wanted to request your suggestions. I am planning
> to rename and restructure the documentation on OFBiz Wiki page- Business
> Process Stories and Use Cases Library
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/1gm8Ag>.
> The idea will still be the same i.e. to help OFBiz Evaluators. All the
> people who are more interested in written content to prove the
> implementation. Provide a robust process documentation that supports
> decision-makers to choose OFBiz over any other proprietary software. To
> help them take this content to a wider audience who take the decision for
> choosing a business automation software.
> I am planning to rename this page to: "*OFBiz Business Process Reference
> Book*".
> Then review and overhaul the overall content on this page to clarify the
> purpose of all the documents in this tree(Directory).
> Now restructure the child pages with new names with business significance
> i.e. the process names that industry people refer e.g. CRM, Product
> Information Management(PIM), Procurement, Fulfilment etc.
> Now every module page will have two child pages so the structure would be
> changed like this-
> - Catalog Management
> -- Product Information Management (PIM)
> --- PIM Process Overview (Content: Process Overview, Business Purpose,
> Level-1,2, and 3 Activity Diagrams as applicable to demonstrate the process
> flow)
> --- PIM User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases (Content: Review, refine and
> add missing user stories, use cases, and test cases)
> -- Merchandising
> --- Merchandising Process Overview (Content: Process Overview, Business
> Purpose, Level-1,2, and 3 Activity Diagrams as applicable to demonstrate
> the process flow)
> --- Merchandising User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases
> -- Store Management
> --- Store Management Process Overview
> --- Store Management User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases
> ...
> ...
> ...
> I am planning to create a JIRA ticket with these details and would like to
> start from there with sub tasks. This way we'll be able to collaborate in
> this effort.
> How does that all sound to you? Please let me know your thoughts, feedback,
> and improvement suggestions for the mentioned effort.
> Kind regards,
> Pranay Pandey

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