Hi Gil,

Jacques counted 157 services with names starting with "remove" and 538
starting with "delete" . OFBiz is inconsistent here, but "delete" is more
commonly used. Why make it any worse by adding another "remove"?


Paul Foxworthy

On 14 August 2017 at 23:50, gil portenseigne <gil.portensei...@nereide.fr>

> Hi Jacques,
> In my opinion when I read deleteWorkEffort i'm expecting an entity-auto
> service, that will remove my workEffort entry from database.
> In this case it's removing the workEffort and all related entity, so i
> propose to rename the service to removeWorkEffortAndRelated.
> This service is to be used when i really don't care about related data.
> Then we could replace deleteProductionRunRoutingTask with
> removeWorkEffortAndRelated service...
> The question remains, should we still define a deleteWorkEffort
> entity-auto service ? I'm not sure that will be useful, but that's not
> costly to have one defined...
> Gil
> On 11/08/2017 17:21, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas, All,
>> Nicolas: are you speaking about deleteProductionRunRoutingTask
>> (OFBIZ-9568), deleteWorkEffort (OFBIZ-9185) or both ?
>> I think you answered only about deleteWorkEffort and then I agree.
>> I was also reluctant to remove it. But then we need to define what would
>> be it's minimal implementation.
>> Because as Deepak said, when you want to delete a workeffort with
>> relations with other entities (hence FKs); then you need to delete those
>> other entities before.
>> And in some case it can be quite hard (I try to generalise from this
>> case).
>> I wonder if a new simpler service like deleteSimpleWorkeffort would not
>> be appropriate. A simple workEffort would not have any relations with any
>> entities, else the call would be rejected by this new service.
>> Because generalising seems hard, even more when considering all entities,
>> like eg OrderHeader
>> see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBENDUSER/How+
>> to+delete+tuples+added+to+test+a+setup and also related thread
>> https://s.apache.org/DCiI
>> This time I want to get to some action :D
>> Jacques
>> Le 11/08/2017 à 11:20, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
>>> Hello Jacques,
>>> It's a good example why I explained that delete is interesting in some
>>> cases.
>>> We implemented a process with template workeffort where an operator
>>> create a production run from the templating and delete some task that is
>>> not needed before start. In this context, I have no reason to keep these
>>> workeffort on the database.
>>> I'm in favor to keep these services as simple as possible and in
>>> coherence with the create service with information that the delete service
>>> doesn't manage all foreign key and we need prepare the delete before. For
>>> all other case, expire will own friend :)
>>> Nicolas
>>> Le 10/08/2017 à 11:56, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Please give your opinion on OFBIZ-9568 before I continue on OFBIZ-9185
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jacques

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