Hi Julian,

You don't need to assign the task to yourself for begin to work on it, simply 
provide a patch when done

New features are always only implemented in trunk

The official repository is SVN but you can use and provide a svn formatted 
patch in the Jira

One important point, will you provide a plugin patch or do you need to change 
the framework





Le 11/09/2017 à 09:01, Blockfreight™ | Julian Smith a écrit :

Attn: *OFBiz Dev List*
Re: *Add Bitcoin to Accounting*
Hi All,

Further to our discussion,

I am keen to add Bitcoin support to the next release of OFBiz.

  * As per the developer guide, I have filled an Apache ICLA.

  * I created this ticket:


  * Would you someone please assign it to me?

  * Finally, which branch specifically should I patch against?

  * Alternatively - is it correct I can use Github and provide a pull-request 
(easier / more familiar practice for me)

I look forward to your advice.

Kind Regards,

Julian Smith
Founder, CEO
Blockfreight™ <https://blockfreight.com/>
[ BFT:XCP <https://xchain.io/asset/BLOCKFREIGHT> ]

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