Am 12.12.17 um 11:48 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
This is a bit out of subject, but while at it:
As you can see at [3] I'm not againstĀ  removing trailing spaces. But experience told me one thing since. One of the most important things in version control is what happenedĀ  to a line, because you will need to track issues in the past. This with svn (harder but possible with Git) is done with annotations (aka blame). When we make batch changes (like I had to do for definitely resolving the EOLs issue in SVN) you lose this information and it's unfortunate. That's another good reason to not mix formatting changes with functional changes.

One additional remark: the refactoring tickets only deal with formatting, they contain no functional changes (or should not contain functional changes). That's why we have provided the FB issues first and after they were committed, do the refactoring on base of this.

So we should be on the right track I guess.


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