Hi all French contributors and committers and all others ;-)

I have create a JIRA to propose a French version of the Apache OFBiz website. 

The idea is to propose a French version which is just a perfect translation of 
the original content and doesn't introduce French specific content, to
avoid difficulties for reviewing it for most of the committers and PMC members.

A website translation is acceptable if and only if it is synchronized very 
rapidly, each time there is a commit on standard website.
For the last 6 month I have done the sync and it's not a big job, BUT, only one 
people is not enough for warrantee the it will be maintain in the futur

This mail is a call for contributors : who is ready to be record as a 
contributor on French translation of the Website ?
If there are enough people and the French website is publish,
a wiki page will be created with all the names and emails address to contact 
you directly if a commit on the website is not manage for the French
translation after 1 week.

Hoping a lot of of answer ;-)

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