Hello Scott,

Scott Gray <scott.g...@hotwaxsystems.com> writes:

> That would probably halt any further contributions from me in the short to
> medium term.
> Can I ask why we need to require 11 when 8 is supported through to 2023?

I was in a similar situation a few months ago because my GNU/linux
distro was not yet providing OpenJDK 11 out of the box, but this has
been fixed in the meantime.

Can you expand on what would precisely prevent you from contributing in
the short/medium term?  What would be your planning requirements in term
of upgrade to not block your contributions?

I think besides security support, upgrading to Java 11 has the benefit
of providing useful standard features available like:

    - Map and Set pseudo-literals
    - Modules
    - Standard HTTP client
    - Better type inference with the ‘val’ keyword.
    - More convenient higher-order methods (like ‘Predicate#not’)


Mathieu Lirzin
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