Reading and 
sequel, specifically:

    /"If in doubt about the extent of the file's creativity, add the license header 
to the file."/
After reading that, I would consider those files as “no creativity
without doubt”.

OK, no problem with me

It seems to me that all these files should have an ASL2 header.
All similar others have it so I guess it's easier to put it in this one and go 
ahead. Else we would need to put these files as exceptions in
That file is containing a line that excludes the meta-data files from
their previous location “**/framework/base/src/main/java/META-INF/**” My
commit moved those files to
“**/framework/base/src/main/resources/META-INF/**”, so IMO we should
adapt the exclusion line.

Well spotted, indeed that's the right solution

I see that some “*.xsd” are excluded which seems undesirable since
writing an XML schema is most of the time creative work.

Actually those are external DTD so that's right there

As a side note, I would highly recommend merging the "tools" repository
inside “ofbiz-framework” repository to avoid issues like this one and
help coordinating the maintenance of those tools.

What do you think?

It was there before. But Taher (and maybe others) did not want it in the 
framework. So I moved it. It can be discussed again I guess.


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