Thanks James,

Maybe better to continue there indeed, less confusion, just focused on what's 


Le 29/01/2020 à 16:52, James Yong a écrit :
Added my comments on the technical aspects of the proposal at

On 2020/01/29 08:26:00, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:
Hi Mathieu, Samuel,

You were the most visible proponents of this. After 5 days w/o exchanges should 
we consider the idea is abandoned or should we start a vote?

Without answers I'll consider the idea abandoned, which is a pity IMO.



Le 24/01/2020 à 14:12, Michael Brohl a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

yes, my objection is targeted to the removal of the component-load.xml 
mechanism for applications and plugins.

I don't think it will be a problem to remove it from framework/base/config/ and 
hard code the four existing components framework, themes,
applications and plugins.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH -

Am 24.01.20 um 08:03 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
Le 24/01/2020 à 07:02, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi All,

Since it's impossible to have both features (ie “base/config/component-load.xml” and 
<depends-on> present) and we don't reach a consensus I'll
start a vote about it.


Before I start a vote, here is a last try to get a consensus. Michael in his 
last email, answering to Pierre, made clear that he would not oppose
to <<Removing “base/config/component-load.xml”>>. His concern is more for 
application and plugins component-load.xml.

Could we not reach a consensus with this option? Mathieu, Samuel?

Then we could discuss more about details for application and plugins 


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