It's sad new that you sharing.

This community lose with your resignation huge skill to move forward.


On 22/02/2020 12:35, Mathieu Lirzin wrote:
> Hello,
> As of today, I am resigning from my PMC and Committer role.
> My initial involvement with OFBiz started in April 2018 as an internship
> in the Néréide team to work on the support RESTful Web APIs.  While
> working on that topic I discovered soon enough that this objective would
> take a very long time to achieve because of the huge technical debt that
> has grown over time in the framework internals.  Moreover I have
> observed that my colleagues were swamped in the accidental complexity of
> OFBiz (polyglot programming model, cumbersome DSLs, weak typing, ...)
> which is impacting negatively their ability to deliver value to their
> client.
> Following those observations, I have spent a huge amount of my time
> (including my weekends) trying to understand, remove, refactor existing
> code to improve OFBiz simplicity which is a pre-requisite for staying
> relevant in the future.
> The recent events/discussions lead me to the conclusion that my efforts
> towards the goal of simplifying OFBiz will simply not be able to succeed
> due of the required slow review process and the global lack of
> interest/consensus on that topic.
> As a consequence I am unable to continue to participate positively in
> this community anymore.
> Kind regards,

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