Hi Mathieu,

this is just to inform you that your resignation is effective and we will
soon update our records to reflect this change: there is a window of 72
hours for you to withdraw the resignation ([*]), so I am going to complete
these tasks after this time is expired.
Thanks for articulating your point of view, personal experience and reasons
that led you to this decision and most of all thank you for your
contributions to this project.
If, in the future, you will change your mind about your membership, feel
free to contact the PMC (at priv...@ofbiz.apache.org).

Best regards,


[*] https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#resign

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 12:37 PM Mathieu Lirzin <mathieu.lir...@nereide.fr>

> Hello,
> As of today, I am resigning from my PMC and Committer role.
> My initial involvement with OFBiz started in April 2018 as an internship
> in the Néréide team to work on the support RESTful Web APIs.  While
> working on that topic I discovered soon enough that this objective would
> take a very long time to achieve because of the huge technical debt that
> has grown over time in the framework internals.  Moreover I have
> observed that my colleagues were swamped in the accidental complexity of
> OFBiz (polyglot programming model, cumbersome DSLs, weak typing, ...)
> which is impacting negatively their ability to deliver value to their
> client.
> Following those observations, I have spent a huge amount of my time
> (including my weekends) trying to understand, remove, refactor existing
> code to improve OFBiz simplicity which is a pre-requisite for staying
> relevant in the future.
> The recent events/discussions lead me to the conclusion that my efforts
> towards the goal of simplifying OFBiz will simply not be able to succeed
> due of the required slow review process and the global lack of
> interest/consensus on that topic.
> As a consequence I am unable to continue to participate positively in
> this community anymore.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Mathieu Lirzin
> GPG: F2A3 8D7E EB2B 6640 5761  070D 0ADE E100 9460 4D37

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