
I've replaced the original PRs with a few more focused ones:


Hopefully the above are considered low risk and/or minor improvements and
can be committed.

The 4th PR:
covers the introduction of JMockit needed to test the MacroFormRenderer as
described in my previous email.



On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 18:32, Daniel Watford <d...@foomoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> Two PRs have been created to address this ticket - please see comments in
> jira.
> The first PR is mostly a documentation change as it turned out the
> required functionality already existed.
> The second PR introduces some unit testing, but to be able to test
> MacroFormRenderer without an explosion of mockito mocks, and lots of
> careful setup in the environment, which would lead to brittle tests, I felt
> it appropriate to introduce JMockit.
> How does the development community feel about the trade-off of introducing
> another test library versus the ability to create tests without a massive
> amount of, in my opinion, brittle code.
> Possibly the preferred approach would have been to apply some refactoring
> to MacroFormRender to allow easier testing. Specifically MFR could be split
> into two or more classes to:
> - convert from the field type to the rendered FTL macro string
> - execute a rendered FTL macro string
> The refactoring is probably preferable in the long run, but felt too large
> a task for this particular ticket.
> What do you think? Can we permit the JMockit tests until some refactoring
> is carried out?
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> --
> Daniel Watford

Daniel Watford

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