Hi Pierre,

see my comments inline:

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 4:12 PM Pierre Smits <pierresm...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently the releases became available via the official repositories on
> Github:
>    - https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/releases
>    - https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-plugins/releases

these are Git tags that have been created to "tag the release" similarly to
what we used to do with svn; however they are not "releases": in fact these
are two files while we have just one official release file (that combines
the two).

I tried to verify these with the function available in the ofbiz-tools rep,
> like:
> ../dev/asf/ofbiz/ofbiz-tools/verify-ofbiz-release.sh
> ofbiz-framework-release17.12.01.zip
That script verifies the signature and checksum but in order to work you
actually have to download the checksum and signature files (that you can
find in the public official release distribution folder [*]); the errors
you are getting just tell you that the files are not available in your
However, the "release" files that you can download from GitHub are NOT the
actual release files; they are simply generated by GitHub from the tags;
for this reasons they will not match the signature and checksum.

If this is going to cause some confusion, we can check what other ASF
projects are doing in this area; one easy (possibly temporary) solution
could be that of removing the tags so that they do not appear as
downloadable releases in GitHub.

Any ideas or suggestions?


[*] https://downloads.apache.org/ofbiz/

> With following result:
> skipping sha check! (sha checksum file
> ofbiz-framework-release17.12.01.zip.sha512 not found)skipping
> signature check! (signature file
> ofbiz-framework-release17.12.01.zip.asc not found)
> This is not a good sign reputation wise. With the availability of releases
> on Github, and our new contribution methodology through Git and Github more
> people will become aware and download it from there. We must ensure that
> these files can be verified regarding authenticity.
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Pierre Smits
> *Proud* *contributor** of* Apache OFBiz <https://ofbiz.apache.org/> since
> 2008 (without privileges)
> *Apache Trafodion <https://trafodion.apache.org>, Vice President*
> *Apache Directory <https://directory.apache.org>, PMC Member*
> Apache Incubator <https://incubator.apache.org>, committer
> Apache Steve <https://steve.apache.org>, committer

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