Thank you Michael and Jacques for your feedback and fixes.
This vote is cancelled, I am going to prepare new release files and start a
new vote thread.


On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 11:56 AM Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

> Le 03/07/2020 à 19:31, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
> > I see another issue locally, that exists also on R17 demo:
> >
> > 2020-07-03 03:10:02,911 |OFBiz-batch-2 |DatabaseUtil
> > entity [AccommodationClass] IS NOT a primary key in the database, but IS
> a primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table
> > needs to be re-created or modified to add this column to the primary
> key. Note that data may need to be added first as a primary key column
> cannot
> > have an null values.
> > [...]
> > 2020-07-03 03:10:03,092 |OFBiz-batch-2 |DatabaseUtil
> |E| Column [CITY] of table [OFBIZ.ZIP_SALES_TAX_LOOKUP] of entity
> > [ZipSalesTaxLookup] IS NOT a primary key in the database, but IS a
> primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table needs
> to be
> > re-created or modified to add this column to the primary key. Note that
> data may need to be added first as a primary key column cannot have an null
> > values.
> >
> > This does not exist in trunk, did not check R18.
> >
> > Weirdly it does not exist in Buildbot either for R17. Even before
> Michael's last fix for AJP. Anyway I don't use AJP locally nor does
> Buildbot.
> >
> > And finally it does not prevent the tests to pass.
> This is no longer a problem. I fixed it in OFBIZ-11312. I wrongly removed
> a line when backporting by hand in R17
> I see now no reasons to create a new "Tentative release files for Apache
> OFBiz 17.12.04"
> Thanks
> Jacques

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