Hi Jacques,

we are using Ubuntu for all our servers and I cannot confirm that.

update-alternatives is used to generally set the envoronment to a  specific JDK through JAVA_HOME. You can still set and thus override this environment variable in the shell session for the demo user.

On our developer machines (Mac OS/Unix based) we use simple aliases to change the JAVA_HOME variable to the needed JDK and can change fluently between them.

sudo is not required for this.



Am 23.01.23 um 17:03 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

I got it to work, as often this was not as simple as expected, long story as short as possible.

It was not possible to set java env vars (JAVA_HOME and PATH). Because The VM uses "Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS".

Ubuntu by default uses update-java-alternatives to handle Java versions. We had only JDK 11 so far, it's easy to add JDK 17 with "alternatives". Update-alternatives uses symlink to handle env vars. So setting java env vars in scripts (or even in terminal) simply does not work.

So I thought that by using something like*

   |update-java-alternatives -s java-versionexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/|||java-version|/||export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME|


in scripts it would be easy to set the necessary versions.

But update-java-alternatives requires to use sudo.
And, for security reason, all demo scripts must be run with ofbizDemo user.
Again for security reason, ofbizDemo is not a sudoer.

So update-java-alternatives was not an option.
I did not know anything about "SDKMAN!"** but it seemed to be a solution.
Again, not as simple as expected. SDKMAN uses BASH to set env vars and Ubuntu uses DASH behind "sh".
So few adjustments were necessary. You can see them at***

* https://aboullaite.me/switching-between-java-versions-on-ubuntu-linux/
** https://sdkman.io/
*** https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ofbiz-tools.git;a=commit;h=110483791d1bf640fd15e2d5589c940239c3c444



Le 20/01/2023 à 17:00, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi Michael,

I'm sorry, somehow I missed your email. I can't give you access, that's Infra's privilege. We recently had a discussion with Daniel on Slack OFBiz channel about that, here is the relevant part copy

   <<To get SSH access to the demos VM just followhttps://infra.apache.org/vm-for-project.html#ssh-keys
   You need also to ask Infra for being a sudoer as explained athttps://infra.apache.org/vm-management.html <https://infra.apache.org/vm-management.html>So first you need to ask the PMC>>

As your are a PMC, I think you don't need need to ask the PMC.

I thought that setting different JAVA_HOME environment variable values in one of the scripts would have undesirable side effects on the other scripts.

Anyway let me try your trick as it seems indeed easy.


Le 14/01/2023 à 10:10, Michael Brohl a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

I have no access to the server right now so I cannot see where the Java installations reside or which Linux distro we use.

Can you give me access, preferably per ssh/public key to the machine?

On Ubuntu and Mac, you just install the different JDK's beside each other and point to the JDK which should be used by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable in the start script. Easy.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 13.01.23 um 18:23 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
Le 13/01/2023 à 14:15, Michael Brohl a écrit :
set JAVA_HOME to the right JDK in the OFBiz start/stop scripts
Hi Michael,

That's a good news, how would you do that? A patch at https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-tools/tree/master/demo-backup would be welcome



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