The issue occurs when DST changes, and OFBiz fails to schedule recurring
jobs properly.
This is due to a condition in the PersistedServiceJob.createRecurrence
method where it compares the next scheduled time (next) with the start time
(startTime) for the job.

*Proposed Solution:*To address the issue, adding a new field named
JobSandbox.runTimeEpoch. This field would store the UTC epoch milliseconds
of the runtime date.
When scheduling or rescheduling recurring jobs, the system would use the
UTC epoch stored in JobSandbox.runTimeEpoch for recurring job comparison.

This solution ensures that the system uses a consistent, UTC-based time for
scheduling and rescheduling recurring jobs, even when DST changes affect
the local time.

To implement this solution, we need to do following things:

- Modify the PersistedServiceJob.createRecurrence method to calculate and
store the UTC epoch milliseconds in the JobSandbox.runTimeEpoch field.
- Update the code responsible for polling and rescheduling jobs to use the
JobSandbox.runTimeEpoch field when it is set. If the field is not set, It
would fall back to getting the runtime date to filter the jobs.

By using this approach, the system should be able to handle recurring job
scheduling more reliably, especially when DST changes are involved, as it
ensures that all time comparisons are made in a consistent UTC format.

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM Deepak Dixit <> wrote:

> Hi Dev,
> I wanted to draw your attention to an issue we've encountered with the
> OFBiz job scheduler, particularly when it comes to handling Daylight Saving
> Time (DST) changes.
> It appears that the job scheduler fails to create new recurring jobs when
> DST ends, especially when the tempExprTypeId is set to FREQUENCY (e.g., 15
> minutes, 30 minutes).
> Upon further investigation, we've identified that the following condition
> in PersistedServiceJob.createRecurrence might be the root of the issue:
> java
> if (next > startTime) {
>     // ...
>     // ...
> }
> I'm curious to know if anyone else has encountered a similar problem or if
> you have any insights to share regarding this issue.
> Thanks & Regards
> --
> Deepak Dixit

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