Hi Daniel,

There is a huge performance difference in favour of scripts and I found 
difficult to use the scripts from Gradle.
As you may have seen, I already crossed an issue (access denied) with BB I 
reported to Infra with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-25327

This said it may certainly be possible to call the scripts from Gradle. I have 
tried that w/o success so far:


task pullPluginSource(group: ofbizPlugin, description: 'Download and install a 
plugin from source control') {

task pullPluginFromGit() {

if (project.hasProperty('pluginId')) {

if (os.contains('windows')) {

exec { commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'pullPluginSource.bat', "${pluginId}" }

} else {

exec { commandLine './pullPluginSource.sh', "${pluginId}" }




dependsOn pullPluginFromGit

doLast {

gradlewSubprocess(['installPlugin', "-PpluginId=${pluginId}"])



task pullAllPluginsSource(group: ofbizPlugin,

description: 'Download and install all plugins from source control. Warning! 
deletes existing plugins') {

task pullAllPluginsFromGit() {

if (os.contains('windows')) {

exec { commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'pullAllPluginsSource.bat' }

} else {

exec { commandLine './pullAllPluginsSource.sh' }



dependsOn pullAllPluginsFromGit

task installAllPlugins {



.filter { taskExistsInproject(":plugins:${it.name}", 'install') }

.forEach({ plugin ->

dependsOn ":plugins:${plugin.name}:install"

doLast { println "installed plugin ${plugin.name}" }



doLast {





The scripts are at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12868

I know that "dependsOn" is no longer recommended with recent versions of 
Gradle, maybe the reason.

We have still a week before it will be a real blocker.


Le 31/12/2023 à 11:13, Daniel Watford a écrit :
Hi Jacques,

Please could you confirm that the project's intention is to remove
the pullAllPluginsSource gradle task, rather than replace the components of
that task that fetch the source via SVN with something similar that fetches
via Git?

The reason for asking is that you mentioned in a comment on
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12868  that we might still use
the gradle tasks:

"To minimise the change, we could decide to still use the scripts but
called from Gradle... I have not yes tested the performance differences..."

If the intention is to keep the gradle tasks related to retrieving plugin
sources, but have those tasks call external scripts, then we should close
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12876  and have the docker image
builds continue to leverage gradle.



On Tue, 26 Dec 2023 at 09:49, Jacques Le Roux<jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>


Though I believe we should get rid of the Gradle pullPluginSource and
pullAllPluginsSource tasks, this morning I tried to implement them using
the OS
scripts for pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource w/o success.

If someone is interested I can put the diff at OFBIZ-12868

Juste let me know...


Le 23/12/2023 à 12:13, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

OK, we need more effort here because GH and BB will break at January 8,
2024 and we need to test the changes before... In other words we have at
most 2 weeks available...

I have one question. It seems to me that the Gradle "installPlugin"
task, called by the pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource tasks, is not
implement in any OOTB plugin.

I ask this question because, if it eventually unused, it's quite easier
and especially efficient/faster to use simple OS scripts than Gradle tasks
for pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource


Le 01/12/2023 à 11:18, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

I have createdhttps://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12868  for
that... WIP...


Le 27/11/2023 à 13:41, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

As you may have noticed*, the SvnCheckout Gradle plugin will not be
usable after January 8, 2024.
So we need a replacement and it's clearly suggested by GitHub in the
link below


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