Hello all,

Following on from discussions around a previous proposal regarding merging
_all_ plugins into ofbiz-framework [1], I would like to instead propose
that we consider 'bundling' _some_ selected plugins into ofbiz-framework.

The bundled plugins would be those deemed important enough by the
development community that we want to ensure they continue to build and are
updated alongside the core OFBiz code. These would be the plugins that the
development community is prepared to expend effort maintaining.

Those selected (bundled) plugins would then be regularly built as part of
the CI process and their code processed by the various analysis tools we

The bundled plugins should be disabled by default. We may then need to
create guidance or some technical solution to help users enable only those
bundled plugins that they need. (We have example code to enable/disable
plugins in the Docker startup scripts).

With those important plugins bundled as part of ofbiz-framework, we could
then consider excluding the ofbiz-plugins repository from the release
process. System integrators would be responsible for retrieving any
non-bundled plugins that they use as part of their deployment process.

If bundling key plugins into ofbiz-framework is considered worthwhile,
which plugins should we bundle? Some suggestions might be:
- ecommerce
- birt (assuming it is brought up to date and is secure)
- passport / ldap
- solr

Please refer to [1] for some of the possible benefits and negatives to the
above as I think they are mostly still relevant even if only bundling a
subset of plugins into ofbiz-framework.



[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/jhjohny4ovb2tnpo6qpcwmz5m6513f57

Daniel Watford

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