
You mean like this:

<test-suite loader="main" location="testdef/CdcTicketsTests.xml“/
Yes, I think I did it well like that. no?
Warm regards


> Am 10.06.2024 um 09:17 schrieb Gaetan <gaetan.chabous...@nereide.fr>:
> Hi Carsten, did you include your tests in the ofbiz-component file a the root 
> of your plugin ?
> Best regards
> Gaetan
> On 6/9/24 21:15, Carsten Schinzer wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am looking for a reference to integrate my plugin unit tests into the test 
>> run of OfBiz, i.e. when I run
>>> ./gradlew test
>> My defined test suite should be included and executed.
>> I did browse the official plugin repository and found no reference.
>> First issue: how to define the hook into the test task in build.gradle.
>> Second: Ho to make sure, the build.gradle dependencies on JUnit are only 
>> loaded for test and not packaged.
>> Does anyone have an example possibly how to do this.
>> Thanks & warm regards
>> Carsten

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