Hi Adrian,

the problem is that we didn't know previously when the browse overflow the page 
it depends from many parameters:
- type of browser
- resolution of display

So it's not easy to know in which forms the overflow will happen and so setting 
it to be performed automatically it cannot cause any problem.

An example on what I want to do is visible here:

instead the wrong behaviour is here:


so if we set the overflow auto the browse will scroll horizontally when the 
browser need it.

What did you think of this ?



It would be best to use the overflow attribute on a case-by-case basis. Adding 
it to the screenlet or screenlet-body styles throws off the layout on screens 
that don't need it.

In other words, create a style for the particular element, then apply that 
style to the element. Small "fixup" styles like that can be used inline - see 
the Webtools main.ftl file for an example. Or for screen widgets, you can 
create a component-specific style sheet - see the Party Manager partymgr.css 



What about insert into main.css for the property screenlet-body the overflow 
auto, so in this case we will have the horizontal scrolling in case the content 
inside a screenlet-body overflow horizontally the screen.
For example into the Store-> Shipping Estimated the table goes outside the 
screen and it cause a ugly effect, instead put on the css the overflow it will 
not happen.
What did you think of this change ?

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