the other way is to link to the supplier of that item to see if they are
a dropshipper

BJ Freeman sent the following on 1/25/2008 4:20 AM:
> Thinking from a accounting perspective, you have LIFO or FIFO or average
> cost.
> So how would you handle a Drop ship different in each of these cases.
> is there a need to differentiate a Drop shipped Item.
> Also there are two types of Dropship, from what I am picking up.
> You become the Dropshipper, and/or you are using a Dropshipper for your
> orders.
> There are different ways of accounting for COGS when you have some one
> dropship to fill your orders than when you ship from inventory.
> My reason for taking this approach is to see if we need to evaluate the
> whole structure to see if we meet the criteria to allow evalatuation for
> the above.
> I thinks there needs to be a more definitive way to Identify those drop
> shipped for a customer, and those that Dropship to a customer from
> another source.
> Maybe look as assigning Warehouses (facilities) that are the Suppier
> that we dropship from, and then use that as a indicator if this item is
> dropshipped and how.
> Jacopo Cappellato sent the following on 1/25/2008 3:52 AM:
>> I've moved this thread to from the user to the dev list.
>> I did some research on how to implement this (i.e. assign specific
>> invoice item types for purchase invoices for drop shipped items) and
>> maybe the easiest way is to define a new InvoiceItemType for each of the
>> existing ones with DS_ prefix (or similar).
>> The algoritm would be:
>> 1) using the InvoiceItemTypeMap find the invoiceItemTypeId associated to
>> the orderItemTypeId (as is now)
>> 2) if it is a drop shipment, add the prefix DS_: "DS_" + invoiceItemTypeId
>> What do you think?
>> Jacopo
>> Dave Tenerowicz wrote:
>>> # 2 is a good suggestion - I'll try that and let the ml know the
>>> results. Option 1 would not work because the same product could be
>>> drop shipped, or shipped from the company warehouse.
>>> -Dave
>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>> As a first shot I'd say that:
>>>> 1) you can try to use GL mappings for ProductCategories (and group
>>>> your products in different product categories) or
>>>> 2) we have to generate invoice items for drop shipped products with
>>>> special invoiceItemTypes and use the Gl mappings for invoiceItemTypes
>>>> to route them to the right accounts
>>>> Just my 2 cents
>>>> Jacopo
>>>> Dave Tenerowicz wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone have any experience setting up OfBiz accounting so that
>>>>> the default GL accounts used varies according to the type of
>>>>> Purchase (for example purchases to replenish stock, vs purchases
>>>>> that are drop shipped?)
>>>>> For example, if a PO/Purchase Invoice is for goods for stock, use
>>>>> one AP account and a corresponding cost of goods. However, if the
>>>>> PO/Purchase Invoice is for product that was drop shipped, then use a
>>>>> different AP account and a different purchase COG account. And
>>>>> finally, if a PO/Purchase Invoice is for trans shipped goods, use a
>>>>> different pair of accounts. (Trans ship means one company
>>>>> organization issues the PO, the goods are received at a warehouse
>>>>> owned by another internal organization and then shipped from that
>>>>> warehouse to the end customer)
>>>>> After an hour of experimentation, I cannot find a way to get the
>>>>> proper results. Has anyone solved a problem like this before?

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