On Feb 15, 2008, at 10:24 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Thanks David! I'll try your suggestion.

Regarding the Dojo support strategy I had in mind: it has been mentioned in the past that something like that could be implemented by extending the existing HTML rendering classes. I agree with that view, since these libraries simply add attributes and such to regular HTML. Hence the factory method - a properties file specifies which rendering classes to use. It works the same way as the FreeMarkerWorker loading transforms thing.

Maybe we should step back then and discuss it in terms of possible usage rather than what is possible on the technology level.

I hadn't gotten to the widget XML side of things yet. The ideas I've had so far try to keep within the constraint that the widget XML files should be rendering-platform independent. I don't have any specifics yet, but the general idea I had in mind was to keep the existing widget elements, but have an additional element attribute that allows developers to pass library-specific data to the rendering classes.

Wouldn't that right there break the whole idea of being rendering platform independent?

Anyways, I was planning on submitting my current work to Jira for review and comment. Let me work out this one problem, submit the patch to Jira, and then we can work out how to support Dojo, Ajax, etc. Does that sound okay?

I'm sure something good will come of it, but in general a bit more planning and design might result in something more effective and long- term applicable.


David E Jones wrote:
You should be able to cast the ones you pass in, but I'm still not totally sure how you're doing this. Could you send a code snippet or just commit the code you're working on in an inactive state (ie not called by anything)? BTW, in general for the AJAX stuff my thought was to add new widget elements to the screen definition for new types of UI elements, like an AJAX combo-box that does server-side lookups as the user is typing things in. I think we already have another combobox that is pre-populated when the page is loaded, but I'd rather have these be different in the screen definition XML so that both could be used and it would be easy to switch between them. In other words, I don't know if there is any place where we would override the default functionality, I'd rather add these as new features with new XML elements (or attributes to extend existing ones) and make them otherwise independent of the existing stuff.
On Feb 15, 2008, at 8:50 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
I'm working on modifying the screen widgets to support Dojo (or any other third party library). I set up the widgets to get their rendering classes from a factory method instead of using the new operator. The factory method uses the ObjectType.getInstance(...) methods to create the class instances.

Everything works great except for one thing. Some of the rendering classes have constructors that take


arguments. When I use the request and response objects found in the screen widget context as arguments for the ObjectType.getInstance(...) method, an exception is thrown - because the objects don't implement the correct interfaces:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org .ofbiz .widget .html .HtmlFormRenderer .<init>(org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade, org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade).

Those classes implement the javax.servlet.ServletRequest and javax.servlet.ServletResponse interfaces - which are the super interfaces of the ones needed for the constructor.

I'm stuck. I don't know where to go from here.

Any ideas?


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