David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I hadn't gotten to the widget XML 
side of things yet. The ideas I've  
> had so far try to keep within the constraint that the widget XML  
> files should be rendering-platform independent. I don't have any  
> specifics yet, but the general idea I had in mind was to keep the  
> existing widget elements, but have an additional element attribute  
> that allows developers to pass library-specific data to the  
> rendering classes.

Wouldn't that right there break the whole idea of being rendering  
platform independent?
No, I don't think so. My thinking is, I'd like to avoid another set of elements 
like the <platform--dependent> ones. For example, the existing container 
element could have something like

<container id="some-id" style="some-style" dojo="some Dojo data">

So, there is some data there to accomodate a third party library, but the 
element itself remains platform independent - other rendering methods simply 
ignore the dojo attribute.

On the other hand, something like


creates a problem. What do other rendering methods do in that scenario? Do we 
need to have corresponding non-dojo sets of elements in the same screen 

I agree we need to discuss how this should look in XML before any more work is 
done. I'll start another thread to get that discussion going. But I still 
believe, regardless of how the XML code looks in the end, we'll need a factory 
method to create rendering classes. ;-)


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