Problems have been encountered while loading data due to this code.

(ERROR: insert or update on table "gl_account_type" violates foreign key
constraint "glactty_par"
 Detail: Key (parent_type_id)=(EXPENSE) is not present in table
"gl_account_type".)). Rolling back transaction.

Pankaj Savita

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:43 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Author: sichen
> Date: Wed Feb 27 16:12:58 2008
> New Revision: 631785
> URL:
> Log:
> Add relation for GlAccountType's parent/child structure.
> Modified:
>    ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> URL:
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml Wed Feb
> 27 16:12:58 2008
> @@ -1885,6 +1885,9 @@
>       <field name="hasTable" type="indicator"></field>
>       <field name="description" type="description"></field>
>       <prim-key field="glAccountTypeId"/>
> +      <relation type="one" fk-name="GLACTTY_PAR" title="Parent"
> rel-entity-name="GlAccountType">
> +        <key-map field-name="parentTypeId"
> rel-field-name="glAccountTypeId"/>
> +      </relation>
>     </entity>
>     <entity entity-name="GlAccountTypeDefault"
>             package-name="org.ofbiz.accounting.ledger"


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