Christian Geisert wrote:
I think Si isn't subscribed to this mailing list...

As a committer, Si should really be subscribed to all the OFBiz's public lists; I would be surprised of the contrary, but I'm copying this message to Si so that he can subscribe if he is not.

Anyway, this change just triggered a problem in the demo data which
I noticed by coincidence yesterday while looking at the
AccountingTypeData.xml ;-)

The data loading issue should be fixed in rev. 631906

Pankaj, Christian, thanks for your help.


A fix for this is either to add a GlAccountType "EXPENSE" or remove
the parentTypeId from "PURCHASE_PRICE_VAR"
(For example "OTHER_EXPENSE" has no parent "EXPENSE")

I'm not sure which is better...


Problems have been encountered while loading data due to this code.

(ERROR: insert or update on table "gl_account_type" violates foreign key
constraint "glactty_par"
 Detail: Key (parent_type_id)=(EXPENSE) is not present in table
"gl_account_type".)). Rolling back transaction.

Pankaj Savita

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