Sure please. Everybody is welcome to join this effort. The Jira issues I have created are based on David's spec document. Few developers from our company will be contributing patches on those issues.
You can help various ways, like
1) review those patches attached to Jira issues
2) contribute implementation/improvement patches
3) Add more details to Jira issues that will help developer.
4) ....

Anil Patel

On Mar 5, 2008, at 12:59 AM, guo weizhan wrote:

Hi Anil,

I think I can contribute some effort for the SFA too, I could do some
and translation to Chinese, can I join in?

Weizhan Guo

2008/3/5, Hans Bakker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


My priority for this customer are the following entities and the related

In this order and then the rest. My customer is prepared to start with a basic system, and extend later....the list above would be enough for him
for a first version.

I am prepared to implement the functions according the general OFBiz
principles which i also use in the projectmanager. Review we need to
spread over the people who actually want to use it.

For this customer i need the above functions in about 3 months. If you can commit for half of the hours (150) in 3 months we could have a deal.



On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 23:34 -0800, Anil Patel wrote:
Development is progressing in SFA. At the same time we are also
working on AR, AP and HR app, so its going to remain slow progress in
each app for sometime.  I am sure very soon it will pick up.

It will be useful to know which part of development effort will you
like to contribute, "Analysis and defining requirement Spec",
Implementation, Review and Commit. Based on which part you are
interested in, I can switch resources to work other tasks.

Also like David mentioned, I am also interested to know what your
plans look like for Project Management app.

Anil Patel

On Mar 4, 2008, at 1:53 PM, David E Jones wrote:


It would be great to work together on this. Our goal right now is to
create a generic Sales Force Automation (SFA) application that will
add in to OFBiz.

I did some analysis and design for this a long time ago and just
cleaned up the document a little bit, and it is now posted here:


We plan to have some people working on this here and there in the
near future, but any and all help and collaboration is of course

BTW, this might be better in another thread, but we eventually want
to pick up on the Project Management app and help with that some
more too (we're working internally to do some analysis and define
some specs and such right now). One of the things that we definitely want to do is create a separate webapp specifically for clients, and
another specifically for non-manager employees and consultants.

Anyway, yeah, let's move these along!


On Mar 4, 2008, at 7:49 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Should we start a design document explaining the principles of the
system? like i did with project management?

David, what are your ideas?

On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 21:20 +0700, Hans Bakker wrote:
David, Anil, Vikas and others
I have a customer interested in the new SFA system using leads,
contacts, accounts, activities, opportunities and communications.
Currently they use an older version of CRMSFA as test however they
interested using the new SFA system as it is currently in Jira.

Anybody else interested? We could build the system in the next 3

I see that the activities stopped....what are the plans for the
next few

I can contribute substancially, but cannot do it on my own.

can we work together?


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