On Jun 4, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to add support for the status for non serialized inventory items (right now the status is used only for serialized items). The idea is to add a new status item for "Damaged" inventory (and maybe "On Hold" for inventory under inspection); the inventory items with this status will be excluded by the inventory counting algorithm and also by the inventory reservation service. The main goal is to add the ability to keep into the warehouse non serialized inventory items but don't use them in orders etc... (at least until they are fixed), but don't just remove them from the system (as it happens when you do a manual inventory variance).

What do you think? Can I go on with this?

It's an interesting idea. Right now all damaged/held/etc inventory is treated per unit, ie as serialized inventory. When returns are received each item is evaluated individually and tracked that way.

If I understand where you are coming from, this becomes a problem when you receive 1000 damaged widgets and would have to create a record for each one.

With that in mind, perhaps this might be a good way to make the management easier without any data structure change, though there could be a number of code changes needed.


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