I would like to bring in this discussion the framework/applications relation
and dependence.
With this I mean that, since we are going to release the framework by
itself, I guess the party will not included in it. On the other hand the
security is implemented in the framework.
So I ask, is it possible to have a basic framework with user
authentications, permissions and roles to be used in non strictly ERP

Thank you,

2008/6/19 Al Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Adrian,
> This is good timing for me as I need to implement a security scheme in
> which
> a user's ability to perform CRUD operations is dependent on their level
> within an organization (ie. someone is a divisional supervisor so they can
> only modify records within their division and its departments). Does this
> functionality already exist? Something similar was done for content
> management.
> If this functionality were to be rolled into LDAP service, then I think the
> LDAP would need to handle a person's party group role associations. It sort
> of makes sense that if you want to manage a person's authentication outside
> of OFBiz that you would want to manage their position/role assignments in
> the same context since they are often related.
> Going back to the integrated CRUD permission scheme, I am prepared to write
> that if it is agreed that it is the right way to go. I would make the
> assumption that permissions are always determined by where a person exists
> in an organizational structure (but certain Security permissions would
> override this contextual permission granting) - which is architected by
> using the PartyRelationship entity and a person's role within that party
> group (div, dept, etc.) I would like to see PartyRelationship used to
> associate roles of a person with a party group because it can be time aware
> and it can enforce some checks by use of the PartyRelationshipType.
> In general, I am thinking that it would be something like a divisional
> supervisor needing to approve Content published by a departmental worker.
> The Content record would need to be tied to a department PartyGroup and the
> divisional supervisor is able to edit or publish the content by virtue of
> their hierarchical position and "ADMIN" role. In other cases, instead of a
> Content entity, it may be the ContactMech for an employee or a purchase
> order approval. In all these cases, the entity in question needs to be tied
> to a PartyGroup structure and the permission to perform the operation would
> be determined by the same method once it was.
> In content permission granting there was the concept of "purpose". For
> instance, a departmental supervisor may be able approve some content for
> publication if its purpose was the weekly newsletter, but not if it were
> for
> a corporate report.
> -Al

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