In Poland there is also no payment of VAT when buyer is outside of Poland.
Not sure what with retail buying in Webshop. But then probably it is VAT of webshop location.

What I mean registry, is separate report (list of operations). In Poland there are six such lists:
1. Buys from Polish suppliers
2. Selling to Polish customers
3. Buys from EU suppliers
4. Selling to EU Customers
5. Buys from non EU suppliers
6. Selling to non EU customers

Maybe Italy has somthing similar, but not sure.

This adds normal report to tax authority every month (sometimes quarter)

----- Original Message ----- From: "RolandH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: VAT

Hi Marek,

in germany you have to be careful about a valid EU VAT ID: if buyer is outside germany and has a valid id (, no VAT has to be applied. Reporting varies in germany: may be monthly, quarterly (yearly?). you may correct your monthly declarations at the end of year with your final report.

what do you mean with:
> Reports can be separated per "Registry"


Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
I have added
There are issed remaining. I will ask accountant about inter-european trading. Usually VAT is paid in county of seller, but in some cases it is paid in county of buyer (e.g. IT services). There are also different types of documents, like customer refund, export invoice, import invoice. In Poland is even document for correcting invoice (partial refund or increase of invoice).


----- Original Message ----- From: "RolandH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: VAT

Hi Marek,

if it would be clear which things need to be defined / documented, I would gather all information necessary for german VAT.


Marek Mosiewicz wrote:

I would like to parcitipate in VAT implementation for OFBiz. However it would maybe be good to gather requirements for different countries on on Wiki. I know requirements for Poland which are some more specific than general EU. I could put them there.

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