I don't how <on-event-update-area event-type="submit"> is harder to understand than <on-submit>, but then maybe I'm smarter than the average developer. ;-)

If you want to have different elements for different events, that's fine. I just see a lot of overlap down the road.

By the way, the Ajax Example is broken. The Status dropdown doesn't work anymore, and it looks like the <on-event-update-area> element for the form refresh was removed.


Anil Patel wrote:
Then I'll rather add element <on-submit> that tells me exactly that what needs to happen on form submit. This will make lot easier for developer because it will be as easy for developer as answering certain questions and get a standard out of box behavior.

Adding so much on way too generic element like is <on-event-update-area> adds complexity for average developer.

Anil Patel

On Jun 26, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Your list of ideas all revolve around a form submit. So just like in the Example component, you can have different responses to the event.

For example, if you want a form changed to read-only after a submit, use the on-event-update-area element and use a target that returns a read-only form.


Anil Patel wrote:
To me <on-event-update-area> is good element for doing some thing like what is done current implementation. Like update the list to reflect the new addition. What I am talking about is
1) Should form reset after submit
2) Should form hide after submit
3) Should form keep showing the same data, well this is same as DO_NOT_RESET after submit
4) Show data in View only mode.
These are few options that come to my mind, I'll like to get more listed if there are any other. Come up with final list of those items. Once we have such list we can implement them. For implementation I don't see this one element fit in this need. I see this as Behavior of Form on its "SUBMIT". To me <on-event-update-area> is for telling system to update certain area on successful execution of some form event.
Anil K Patel
On Jun 26, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Many thanks for your continuing work on the Ajax stuff!

Why wouldn't the existing <on-event-update-area> element handle these requirements? What you are describing are different responses to the event, not different events.


Anil Patel wrote:
We have a working example of Background form submit. The way it is now, After successful submit, form is reset. This is a clean new form to start entering new record.
In some situations we may want to do something different, Like
1) When we are editing a form then sometime we want to keep the information in the form after form submit.
2) Sometime we want to hide form on successful form submit
3) We want to turn form into View only after form submit
There can be many more such situations.
I'll like to collect all such After form submit situations together first. Once we have all that we can think about attributes or subelement inside of form element that will let us choose our option from all that is available.
Looking forward to see inputs from all interested parties.
Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel

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