On Jul 7, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

As has been discussed in other message threads, some screenlets have unusual links in their title bars. I'd like to request comments on the use of links in screenlets and develop a Best Practice for them.

The current use of links in screenlet title bars makes the UI very inconsistent. On one screen a "Create New" link is a button under the page title, on another screen it is in the screenlet title bar. On most screens, a form's Submit button is at the bottom of the form, and in other screens it is in the screenlet title bar. There are other examples.

Fortunately this is pretty rare in OFBiz. I say fortunately because this is one of the biggest travesties in UI design that I've ever seen. It slows users down at best, and stops first-time users dead in their tracks trying to find the stupid button because it's not at the bottom of the form where EVERY submit button in the world is. Having other links in the header along with the form submit makes it even worse because when submitting the form it is easy to miss and click on one of those, killing your work in the form. I don't know where this came from, but it's awful and we should never do it.

One interesting thing that I think is okay (but not great) in the header bar is wizard progress links, like in the checkout process in the order manager. Still, even that would be better as buttons with arrows pointing to the right between them or something, and just below the screenlet header... or better yet get rid of the header altogether because it's ugly.

To be fair, I originally liked the idea of having list pagination in the screenlet title bar - like in the Find Party screen. I even gave the screenlet widget the ability to put a contained form's pagination in there. But I have changed my mind. That also makes the UI inconsistent because most lists have their own pagination menus above and below the list.

I'm beginning to think screenlet title bars should contain very little information: the screenlet title, an optional expand/collapse link, and an optional Help link. All other links should follow established best practices - Submit links are at the bottom of forms, Create New links are at the top of the screenlet body, etc. In other words, follow the same pattern inside the screenlet that you would follow in the main content area.

Yes, they should have very little in them. I agree with that. There could certainly be exceptions, but that's a good guideline.

BTW, on style: the dark blue headers on these are a little bit... well... "heavy" might be the right word. If anyone want to play with making this prettier maybe something lighter would be nice, but that's really another topic and anyone with a text editor and a basic knowledge of CSS can change that to their liking.


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