I agree with these guidelines also (only title, expand/collapse button and
optional help link in the screenlet title bar and the submit at the bottom).

Moreover I am thinking to a general FindScreen standard layout and
functional improvement that I briefly describe here hoping not being OT.
It would be great IMO to have in the list form of every FindScreen
(optionally) a first column of check boxes that let the user to select
several items and than a combo box above the list that let the user to
select a command to execute on them.
Basically this is how gmail looks like.
I would like for example to use this to select several product to change
their image with in a single shot, or to include all of them in the
promotion category.
I am thinking how to implement this (already received some hint by you on
using the multi form) but may be some other hint could be beneficial.

Thank you,

2008/7/8 David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Jul 7, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>  As has been discussed in other message threads, some screenlets have
>> unusual links in their title bars. I'd like to request comments on the use
>> of links in screenlets and develop a Best Practice for them.
>> The current use of links in screenlet title bars makes the UI very
>> inconsistent. On one screen a "Create New" link is a button under the page
>> title, on another screen it is in the screenlet title bar. On most screens,
>> a form's Submit button is at the bottom of the form, and in other screens it
>> is in the screenlet title bar. There are other examples.
> Fortunately this is pretty rare in OFBiz. I say fortunately because this is
> one of the biggest travesties in UI design that I've ever seen. It slows
> users down at best, and stops first-time users dead in their tracks trying
> to find the stupid button because it's not at the bottom of the form where
> EVERY submit button in the world is. Having other links in the header along
> with the form submit makes it even worse because when submitting the form it
> is easy to miss and click on one of those, killing your work in the form. I
> don't know where this came from, but it's awful and we should never do it.
> One interesting thing that I think is okay (but not great) in the header
> bar is wizard progress links, like in the checkout process in the order
> manager. Still, even that would be better as buttons with arrows pointing to
> the right between them or something, and just below the screenlet header...
> or better yet get rid of the header altogether because it's ugly.
>  To be fair, I originally liked the idea of having list pagination in the
>> screenlet title bar - like in the Find Party screen. I even gave the
>> screenlet widget the ability to put a contained form's pagination in there.
>> But I have changed my mind. That also makes the UI inconsistent because most
>> lists have their own pagination menus above and below the list.
>> I'm beginning to think screenlet title bars should contain very little
>> information: the screenlet title, an optional expand/collapse link, and an
>> optional Help link. All other links should follow established best practices
>> - Submit links are at the bottom of forms, Create New links are at the top
>> of the screenlet body, etc. In other words, follow the same pattern inside
>> the screenlet that you would follow in the main content area.
> Yes, they should have very little in them. I agree with that. There could
> certainly be exceptions, but that's a good guideline.
> BTW, on style: the dark blue headers on these are a little bit... well...
> "heavy" might be the right word. If anyone want to play with making this
> prettier maybe something lighter would be nice, but that's really another
> topic and anyone with a text editor and a basic knowledge of CSS can change
> that to their liking.
> -David

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