Sure Adrian! would be a nice addition to the mypage component.....

On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 10:47 -0700, Adrian Crum wrote:
> Some time ago I implemented a subscription system on our local OFBiz 
> copy, where users can subscribe to notifications about OFBiz application 
> events. Users can subscribe to events like new calendar items, new forum 
> messages, etc and the system sends the user an email when the event 
> occurs. At the time, either the built-in OFBiz subscription services 
> didn't exist or I didn't notice them, so I wrote my own.
> I recently converted our in-house subscription code to use the OFBiz 
> subscription services and it works quite well. I also modified our Asset 
> Maintenance component to allow maintenance workers (or outside services) 
> to subscribe to email notifications when they are assigned to new 
> maintenances.
> Now our OFBiz users have a cool subscription summary page in the MyPage 
> component where they can see all of the events they are subscribed to.
> Would there be any interest in porting this back into the project?
> -Adrian

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