David E Jones wrote:
On Jul 25, 2008, at 4:18 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
David E Jones wrote:
Some options might be:
1. use the FixedAsset owner (and similar concepts) to identify who to send it to, either directly or through a PartyRelationship to someone in the organization in charge of managing fixed asset maintenance (and similar concepts in other areas); the idea would be to use the natural organization and relationships that companies would want to setup anyway, and use that for as much as possible, including these notifications; this reduces setup and maintenance complexity and makes the system in general easier to use and understand, and if flexibility points are needed for funny situations in the future we can look at that then

So, go from fixed asset to the related party in the role of owner, then look for a party related to the owner in the role of Maintenance Manager? When that party is located, which email address is used? Or do we assume they have only one?

Probably just the primary email address. I don't know if it's worth having a special purpose for this... is it common in your situation to need a separate email for this sort of thing?

One thing to consider is that the related party (Maintenance Manager) could be a PartyGroup, with a special email address used just for this purpose, but that would be chosen by the user depending how they want to setup that relationship.

Actually, my situation is pretty basic. What I'm trying to avoid is creating an implementation that is too specific. In other words, I'm trying to make it more generic so others can use it.

The primary email address would be fine. I decided to make one change in the relationship though. It will look for a party related to the owner in the role of Maintenance eMail Administrator. I don't want to assume the maintenance manager will handle email replies. A maintenance manager might want one of the maintenance workers to handle replies. This approach adds only one thing - a new role. How does that sound?


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