I looked at using Cosmo as a CalDAV servlet. There is more to be done than just connecting it to the OFBiz data store (it uses Hibernate). I would also have to figure out a way to get it to use OFBiz's user authentication. I'm sure I would run into other issues down the road.

I tried to extend the Tomcat Webdav servlet class, but too much of the class was made private, so I can't access most of its properties and methods.

I think I'll go ahead and develop our own CalDAV servlet. Using the iCal4j library, the Tomcat Webdav servlet class, and Cosmo as resources I think it will be fairly simple to get something going. It will have limited ability at first, but we can build it out later if there is any interest in it.

Just in case there is anyone who doesn't understand where I'm going with this... my goal is to have OFBiz appear to be an iCalendar server - which will serve work efforts as iCalendar data. This will enable iCalendar-enabled clients (Apple's iCal, Mozilla Sunbird) to view work effort calendars.


Adrian Crum wrote:
It's kind of going in the same direction as the LDAP integration discussion we had a few years ago - where a simple requirement to share a password turned into a proposal to make OFBiz an LDAP server.

In this case, all I wanted was to set up a client app to query OFBiz for work effort events so that reminders (or alarms) could pop up. Now it's turning into a more involved task that would make OFBiz an iCal server.

I'm looking at Cosmo right now.


David E Jones wrote:

I wish I had done more research in this area. Actually, I think that Andrew Zeneski mentioned some things along these lines not too long ago. Any thoughts Andrew?

Whatever is easiest while still doing what is needed would be the way to go (yeah, I know, that's a pretty duh/obvious statement). What I mean is that if you can write some datastore adapter for an existing library and that fits the bill, then great! If we need more flexibility/control and actually want to generate the text files needed from templates then that may be a bit more work (or may not be, depending on how easy the data mappings are!), but may be more generally useful down the road.

Either way, very cool effort.


On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Thanks David!

I'm still researching and coming up with strategy. Do I try to use an existing CalDAV servlet and try to get it to use OFBiz as its datastore, or do I cobble together some libraries (like iCal4j) with some glue logic?

I'll keep everyone updated. Additional comments are welcome!


David E Jones wrote:
That servlet should be deploy-able on any app server (servlet container) as long as it's on the classpath, and that shouldn't be a problem at all (even if tomcat/catalina isn't used). On a side note, there may be existing CalDav servlets/etc around that would be easier, in fact it seems like I ran across one at some point, but I can't remember.
On Oct 29, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
I have the Tomcat WebDAV servlet working. Now what I need is a CalDAV servlet - basically a WebDAV servlet that supports a few extra commands.

I would like to extend the org.apache.catalina.servlets.WebdavServlet class and add the CalDAV commands. Would that pose a problem if an installation chose a different app server to run OFBiz on?


Adrian Crum wrote:
I would like to be able to set up the WorkEffort component to be an iCalendar server. I will need a WebDAV servlet, and there is one in Tomcat - http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/Tomcat/WebDav. I'm not a Tomcat or servlet guru, so I need a little help here. Can I just put those elements in the WorkEffort web.xml file, or is there more work involved?
Adrian Crum wrote:
I committed some basic work effort event reminder code in revision 708620.

I forgot to mention in the commit log that anyone wanting to deploy the event reminders will need to set up a scheduled job to run the processWorkEffortEventReminders service on a regular basis.

Right now the code only supports email reminders. I would like to expand it to include workstation popup windows, but I'm not sure if I want to write my own Java client or just add iCalendar capability to OFBiz so that some other calendar software can handle popup notifications.

Let me know what you think.


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