Hi Scott,

Yes it's possible to extend the ModelForm to look if exist a styleName in context.

I don't know if the better solution is to use the set element and create the conditionnal with the result style in value attribute or dedicate element with separate conditionnal and style.

An other solution is put the filter element in child of row-action ?


Scott Gray a écrit :
Can't the same thing be achieved by doing something like this:
            <set field="styleName" value="${bsh:productHeight == null
|| productHeight == 0 ? 'warningRow' : 'normalRow'}"/>


2008/10/30 Malin Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have an other enchancement for the Screen Engine.
When you have a list with many information, many user like to have some
line with different color to look quickly important information.

example : set line in blue when status order is created or line in red
if order amount is greater than 10000

An other example, for the project with Decathlon we use this :

<form name="ListReceiveInCrowd" target="ReceiveInCrowd"
paginate-target="ReceiveInCrowdSelection" type="multi"
list-name="listIt" paginate="true">
             <entity-one entity-name="Product"
       <filter use-when="productHeight == null  || productHeight == 0
|| productWidth  == null  || productWidth  == 0 || productDepth  ==
null  || productDepth  == 0 || weight == null  || weight == 0"
       <field name="facilityId">...

The goal is show receipt with a product that have missing information on
his measures and put the line in red. You can see the screenshot to
http://librenberry.librenberry.net/Capture.png for
visual result ;) .

To do that, we create new element Filter associate to a form that take a
use-when condition and if is true apply the style define in attribute.

Do you have concerned by this features or do you have some suggestions ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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