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if I remember correctly I know we assigned where the Long and Lat came
from with a enumerated type. This is so you can have more than one
lng/lat per address.
it would seem to me that beyond that the information like you suggest
would not be tied directly to the Postal address entity.

I can see it in say the map interface to each system (yahoo, mapit,
google) which could also be used to store lon/lat.

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 1/7/2009 10:34 AM:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to finally commit our GoePoint entities related modelling.
> For that, I need to introduce the Google Map API key concept (a key
> corresponding to an URL). I previsously suggested general.properties.
> But maybe an entity like the one below would be more convenient in case
> the user would have to deal with more than an handle of URLs
>  <entity entity-name="GoogleMapApiKey"
> package-name="org.ofbiz.common.geo"
> default-resource-name="CommonEntityLabels"
>    title="Google Map API key">
>    <field name="UrlId" type="id"></field>
>    <field name="ApiKey" type="long-varchar"></field><!-- As generated
> from UrlId at http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/maps/signup.html, note
> that it works for http://localhost !-->
>    <prim-key field="UrlId"/>
>  </entity>
> What do you think ?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.ler...@9business.fr>
>> This is related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1923
>> I don't know for Yahoo and other, but I guess it's the same than for
>> Google. You need a key to use their Map API. For Google this
>> key is related to the domain used and allow to use the API only on
>> this domain. So we need to store this information somewhere. I
>> think about general.properties
>> Jacques
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