That DataResourceType is for data that comes from a URL. When a DataResource with that type is rendered it looks at the info string on the DataResource to get the URL, and then gets the data from the URL.

I'm not sure if this would apply...


On Jan 7, 2009, at 5:33 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

How about using the existing dataresource entity with the
dataresourcetype "URL_RESOURCE" ?

the key can be stored in the DataResourceAttribute .....

On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 19:34 +0100, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I'm trying to finally commit our GoePoint entities related modelling. For that, I need to introduce the Google Map API key concept (a key corresponding to an URL). I previsously suggested But maybe an entity like the one below would be more convenient in case the user would have to deal with more than an handle of URLs

<entity entity-name="GoogleMapApiKey" package- name="org.ofbiz.common.geo" default-resource- name="CommonEntityLabels"
   title="Google Map API key">
   <field name="UrlId" type="id"></field>
<field name="ApiKey" type="long-varchar"></field><!-- As generated from UrlId at, note that it works for http://localhost !-->
   <prim-key field="UrlId"/>

What do you think ?



From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
This is related to

I don't know for Yahoo and other, but I guess it's the same than for Google. You need a key to use their Map API. For Google this key is related to the domain used and allow to use the API only on this domain. So we need to store this information somewhere. I
think about


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