It appears that there used to be a OrderItemShipGroup.productStoreShipMethId field, but there is no longer one, and when an order is saved the productStoreShipMethId in the ShoppingCart object is no longer saved.

If anyone knows anything about this... Is that correct? If so, why was this change made?

If no one knows anything about this then I think some investigation is needed... :(

There is still some code that tries to use it that flares up when trying to edit an order item (orderdetail page in the Order Manager, Edit Items link, change quantity on any item):

2009-01-10 15:35:14,759 (http- [] ---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------
Service [recalcShippingTotal] threw an unexpected exception/error
Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
Message: Service [recalcShippingTotal] target threw an unexpected exception ([GenericEntity.get] "productStoreShipMethId" is not a field of OrderItemShipGroup) ---- cause ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Message: [GenericEntity.get] "productStoreShipMethId" is not a field of OrderItemShipGroup ---- stack trace --------------------------------------------------------------- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [GenericEntity.get] "productStoreShipMethId" is not a field of OrderItemShipGroup
org .ofbiz .order .shoppingcart .shipping.ShippingEvents.getShipEstimate( org .ofbiz .order.order.OrderServices.recalcOrderShipping(


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