Hi Guo,

So I suppose you did test it and did not ran into any errors, great !

I will enhance and hopefully commit all this week

Thanks for feedback


From: "guo weizhan" <guo.weiz...@gmail.com>
Jacques ,

It's very useful, we have try do this before.

Thank you!

2009/1/11, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>:

I put a patch ready to be commited in
I will not be much available these next days, but I hope to commit it this
week and to expand later (for Postal Addresses, Facilites, Containers, and
Fixed Assets)


From: "David E Jones" <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>

Sounds like it might as well go into a properties file for now, and  later
on as more are migrated when we design a suitable data model for  a larger
number of properties we can move it over with the others.

It's a lot like things in payment.properties and other similar files.


On Jan 7, 2009, at 10:43 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Sorry it was not supposed to be so unredeable :(

Quick answer : these keys are generated by Google Map and used when  you
want to render a map using Google Map something like
<script src=http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2.73&amp<http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.73&amp>

They are system oriented (or at least I guess so), that's why I 1st
 thought about general.properties. But maybe in some case an user
would like to have this more handy and accessible from DB. I'm not  sure
though since now properties are cached and it's easy to set
them on the fly. Of course putting them in a property file is easier.

A key relates to GeoPoint but only in Google case. I  introduced  also
these data in CommonTypeData.xml.

<DataSourceType dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER"  description="Name
of GeoPoints publisher"/>
 <DataSource dataSourceId="GEOPT_GOOGLE"
 dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER" description="Google as GeoPoint
 <DataSource dataSourceId="GEOPT_YAHOO"
 dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER" description="Yahoo as GeoPoint

I also created a PartyGeoPointData.xml where dataSourceId is used to
 know which map rendered (javascript) will be used,
here an example with Google Map


 <GeoType comment="GeoPoint for DemoCustomer"


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>

Hi David,

Quick answer : these keys are generated by Google Map and used when  you
want to render a map using Google Map something like
<script src=
http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2.73&amp;key=ABQIAAAA-O3c-Om9OcvXMOJXreXHAxSsTL4WIgxhMZ0ZK_kHjwHeQuOD4xSbZqVZW2U_OWOxMp3YPfzZl2GavQThese<http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.73&key=ABQIAAAA-O3c-Om9OcvXMOJXreXHAxSsTL4WIgxhMZ0ZK_kHjwHeQuOD4xSbZqVZW2U_OWOxMp3YPfzZl2GavQThese>keys are system oriented (or at least I guess so), that's why I 1st thought about general.properties. But maybe in some case an user would like to have
this more handy and accessible from DB. I'm  not sure though since now
properties are cached and it's easy to  set them on the fly. Of course
putting them in a property file is easier.The key relates to GeoPoint but
only in Google case. I  introduced also these data in
CommonTypeData.xml.<DataSourceType  dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER"
description="Name of GeoPoints  publisher"/>    <DataSource
dataSourceId="GEOPT_GOOGLE"  dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER"
description="Google as  GeoPoint supplier"/>    <DataSource
dataSourceId="GEOPT_YAHOO"  dataSourceTypeId="GEOPOINT_SUPPLIER"
description="Yahoo as GeoPoint  supplier"/>I also created a
PartyGeoPointData.xml where dataSourceId is used to know which map rendered
(javascript) will  be used, here an example with Google
Map<entity-engine-xml> <GeoType comment="GeoPoint for DemoCustomer"
geoPointId="9000"  dataSourceId="GEOPT_GOOGLE"
latitude="40.297264"            longitude="111.696625" /
> </entity-engine-xml>Thanks


From: "David E Jones" <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>


Could you describe more about this, perhaps where the data comes  from
and how it is used? What other data in the system does it relate to and

In general for settings that could go into a properties file, or  that
 are now in a properties file and are business (not system)  related, we
 have talked about putting them in the database. To do  so and properly
organize the data into new fields on new or existing entities the basic information above is needed. For the most part they'll probably go into generic entities like the preferences, or in big new entities with sets of
fields for  different sets of properties.

Back to this... basically more info would be helpful.


On Jan 7, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


I'm trying to finally commit our GoePoint entities related
modelling. For that, I need to introduce the Google Map API key concept (a key corresponding to an URL). I previsously suggested general.properties. But maybe an entity like the one below would be more convenient in case
the user would have to deal with more  than  an handle of URLs

<entity entity-name="GoogleMapApiKey" package-
name="org.ofbiz.common.geo" default-resource- name="CommonEntityLabels"
 title="Google Map API key">
 <field name="UrlId" type="id"></field>
 <field name="ApiKey" type="long-varchar"></field><!-- As  generated
 from UrlId at http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/maps/signup.html ,
 note that it works for http://localhost !-->
 <prim-key field="UrlId"/>

What do you think ?



From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.ler...@9business.fr>

This is related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ OFBIZ-1923

I don't know for Yahoo and other, but I guess it's the same  than
 for Google. You need a key to use their Map API. For Google this
key is related to the domain used and allow to use the API only  on
 this domain. So we need to store this information somewhere. I
think about general.properties


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