Hi David,

perhaps you can give me some advice/help especially now you reorganized
the request handler and it still fresh in your mind? I want to get away
from the "donePage" stuff and i wonder if you can help me.

What i need is to display a portlet, let the portlet call a view which
in turn calls a service/event to update information and then it should
return to the portalpage which called the portlet.

This would allow portlets to be used in myportal and in the original

I call the portlet within the showPortlet request, for example the
"party" portlet in the profile request in my portal with: (login as


the 'update' button on the "Personal Information" portlet has at the
moment the following link:


i modified it here with: 

because i want after the update to return to the showportal request.....


as you probably already know the editperson request calls a view, will
return with 'success' and the system will directly return to the
showportalpage view without showing the editperson view.

My question to you is: how can we change the request handler, so that
the editPerson menu is shown which will call a event or service to
update the database and when this returns with success, it  should
return to the view showPortalPage 

in other words, 
if the next request is a view, the requesthandler should show the first
view and carry the secondview to the next request.
Only if the next request is an event/service the requesthandler should
show the secondview if that service/event ended with success.

hopefully i explained clear enough....


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